This picture is several months old, but I thought it was appropriate for the post because she's covered in food.. I love the look on her face and the way her little tongue sticks out.
I don't know how to tell my "cute stories" without them so long. If I was reading this blog I would get bored. I know they're not that interesting. I'm worling on it, but I run out of time when I try to go back and edit.
We \had pizza for dinner tonight. In retrospect, it was a bad idea. The school's celebrated Valentine's Day today, so it was all things chocolate and sugar. She finished off most of her candy in the car on the way home. I wasn't thinking about it, so I let Isabella have a Dr. Pepper as a treat with her pizza. I almost never let her drink pop other than Sprite, so the pizza and pop mixed in with all that candy and her little tummy was about to explode. You could hear it gurgling across the room. I felt bad for adding carbonation to her tummy ache, but what would Valentine's Day be wihout a sugar overdose?
Anytime we have Pizza Hut we have to get breadsticks because they are one of Annika's favorite foods. She loves breadsticks, french fries, and cheese. Annnnnnd that's about all she eats. Not because we order pizza and french fries that often, but because she now refuses to eat any other food. She particularly refuses to eat anything someone else feeds her. She USED to be a great eater- lots of vegetables, meat, everything on the litle pyramid, but she just quit and we don't know why. We've talked to the doctor about it. The nurse didn't want us to giver her toddler formula and told us she needs to solid foods. I explained we offered them to her at every meal, but she wouldn't touch them. I was a little confused because I would say "She won't eat food no matter what we try" and she would just say " Well, she needs to eat solid food." Okkkkay. You're really not helping.
She knows you can get breadsticks in Target and scream when we walk out without them. She's like some sort of crazed animal. She will eat an entire order by herself. She'll go to any length to get them- I have to be careful where I leave the box because she will climb everywhere. Her favorite trick is to hang around until I get her some milk and then then storm the fridge. She dips each little bite in the marinara sauce and blows on it before she eats it.
French fries invoke the same frenzied reaction. I order a meal from McDonald's everytime now. I get the sandwich, she gets the fries. Bella's job is to hold the box in the car and keep them coming, so I don't have to listen to her scream "FI! FI! FI!" all the way home. Since we don't have McDonald's all that frequently, I let her have them. She sounds like a little tyrant, but other than fries, I try not to let her run the show.
If I let her, the little maniac would eat 5 or 6 string cheese sticks a day. Like the other two, she demands them loudly.
I'm beginning to sense a theme here. She likes, bread, marinara, and cheese. Maybe there's more Italian blood in us than I thought.
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