Whew! Today was chalk full of activities. Today was "Baby Day" at church. They had a slide show of pictures parents submitted and quotes about the nursery. Then there was a little "baby parade" to the "Name Game" song and all the kids came up front to be introduced to the congregation. Isabella walked in with us and Laura held hands with her and Ben. I forgot to take pictures! but the girls wore matching maroon silk dresses with their petticoats poofing out! An aside, if you're going to make little girl dresses DRY CLEAN ONLY, I think there should be a giant sign clearly stating that fact. The dresses were supposed to be Christmas dresses, but then we had a blizzard, so I saved them for a day that wasn't -15 degrees. These are two pictures of Annika from the slide show. The toys behind her were from a giant ebay lot I won. The kids just threw them over their shoulders as they emptied the box. (I bought them to sell at a consignment sale, but wasn't happy with the quality so I let the girls play with them). Isabella is showing off her mouse whiskers last Halloween.
We literally sprinted home and threw clothes on and ran back to church. We went ice skating in Olathe with the Young Adult/Family group. Isabella saw a little segment on ice skating on tv a couple of months ago, so she's been begging to go just about every day. We had a couple of false starts, some due to weather, some because of behavior, so I figured today was the perfect opportunity. We took Annika which wasn't too smart. I brought toys for her to play with, but she wanted to ice skate desperately. I put the tiniest pair of skates they had on her and took her out on the ice a couple times and she LOVED it. I got tired FAST trying to hold her up, but she really had fun. We saw a little boy her age wearing strap-on skates with double blades. The mom said he did really well because there wasn't a balancing issue.
David pretty worn out too- Isabella needed a lot of help to stay upright. At the end, Holly came up to hold Annika while I skated with them for about 20 minutes. That was just about the right amount of time for me. I brought in a box of french fries to keep Annika happy and every time I skated by, she'd yell "MAMAMAAAAA" and wave a slobbery fry at me.
Afterwards, we jumped in the car, and barreled home to drop Isabella off at children's choir and afterward she went to my mom's house to play with her "American Girl" doll "Gia." Good thing she doesn't have school tomorrow. She's going to need some recovery time! I went home to rest. My back is just killing me, which is to be expected. Family fun was worth it!
Um. The KC Wolf is wearing a superman suit at the Pro Bowl and doing a disturbing dance. Just so you know.
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